Since 2010 we have trained professionals in Sensory Area and in 2018, we started the first postgraduate course in Latin America in Sensory and Consumer Sciences.
About Solution is one of the pioneers of the application of Sensory Science in Brazil.
Until 2019 About Solution carried out sensory research and product evaluation with a trained panel, when the company expanded and Sensory Design was created to provide services in this area.
Focused on conducting sensory research with consumers, Sensory Design applies advanced market and scientific research tools to diagnose and quantify the sensory experience that consumers experience with their products and services, providing reliable data for companies’ decision, while About Solution is dedicated to qualify professionals to work in the area of Sensory and Consumer Research, in addition to performing diagnostics and implementing sensory methodologies in company.
Our mission
“Develop and train you at a professional degree level in Sensory and Consumer Science, enabling you to manage the project within realistic objectives, enabling you to plan and implement a study in practice, to process data, analyze and interpret correctly the results and present the results concisely and accurately in a way that is easily understood by non-experts.”
With over 30 years of experience, we have the necessary expertise to qualify professionals to pursue a career in sensory and consumer science at the level of continuing education and postgraduate studies. Professors are professionals with recognized experience in the area with doctorate degree.
Silvia Deboni Dutcosky
Silvia is chemical engineer with over 35 years of experience in the development of products and processes for the industry. She graduated in sensory and consumer science from Davis University (California-USA) and she has aDoctorate (UEL-2004) and Post Doctorate (UFPR-2014) degree in innovation management. She has a solid experience in integrated projects with marketing and studies with consumers. She has consulted for more than 20 companies. Author of the book SENSORY ANALYSIS OF FOODS. She is the ABNT Sensory Analysis Committee coordinator.
Our team

Daniela Gava Citadin
Daniela Gava Citadin is graduated in Food Engineering, PhD in Chemical Engineering (UFSC, 2018) and Master in Food Engineering (UFSC, 2007). She has solid experience with sensory analysis, is currently a member of the Special Committee for Sensory Analysis ABNT CEE 174 and is postgraduated in Sensory and Consumer Sciences . She worked for approximately 10 years in the food industries, in the areas of quality control and research and development.
Daniela Gava Citadin
Daniela Gava Citadin is graduated in Food Engineering, PhD in Chemical Engineering (UFSC, 2018) and Master in Food Engineering (UFSC, 2007). She has solid experience with sensory analysis, is currently a member of the Special Committee for Sensory Analysis ABNT CEE 174 and is postgraduated in Sensory and Consumer Sciences . She worked for approximately 10 years in the food industries, in the areas of quality control and research and development.

Amanda Caroline
Amanda Caroline de Oliveira Calazam is graduated in Chemical Engineering and Technician in Food Production and Management (SENAI-PR). She has four years of experience with quantitative descriptive sensory profile.
Amanda Caroline de Oliveira Calazam
Amanda Caroline de Oliveira Calazam is graduated in Chemical Engineering and Technician in Food Production and Management (SENAI-PR). She has four years of experience with quantitative descriptive sensory profile.

Claudimara da Silva Portela
Sensory Analyst, graduated in Food Technology (IFSC, 2018), PhD in Food Science (UEL, 2025), Master in Food Science (UEL, 2020), Postgraduate in Sensory and Consumer Science (About Solution, 2023) and Agroindustry Technician (IFSC, 2014).
Claudimara da Silva Portela
Sensory Analyst, graduated in Food Technology (IFSC, 2018), PhD in Food Science (UEL, 2025), Master in Food Science (UEL, 2020), Postgraduate in Sensory and Consumer Science (About Solution, 2023) and Agroindustry Technician (IFSC, 2014).

Caroline Novaes Galvani
Caroline Novaes Galvani is graduated in Chemical Engineering (PUC-PR, 2022). She has experience in EHS in the food industry and currently works as Panel Leader and Sensory Laboratory Specialist.
Caroline Novaes Galvani
Graduated in Chemical Engineering (PUC-PR, 2022). She has experience in EHS in the food industry and currently works as Panel Leader and Sensory Laboratory Specialist.

Roberta Gaio Tortato
Sensory Panel Leader, graduated in Food Engineering (PUC-PR, 2001). Worked for approximately 6 years in a food industry in Quality Control.
Roberta Gaio Tortato
Sensory Panel Leader, graduated in Food Engineering (PUC-PR, 2001). Worked for approximately 6 years in a food industry in Quality Control.

Karla Costa Rosa
Intern, Chemical Engineering student (PUC-PR). Has experience in waste co-processing, safety and the environment.
Karla Costa Rosa
Intern, Chemical Engineering student (PUC-PR). Has experience in waste co-processing, safety and the environment.
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